Happy Winter! I didn't start the Fall Reading challenge on time, no reason to end on time. My list for fall reading was very short (two books) and I finished them pretty early. Honey and I started reading the Steve Jobs book, Honey finished, I'm going to wait for the movie.
Here's a wrap up of the books I did finish...
A Voice in the Wind and An Echo in the Darkness by Francine Rivers - loved 'em!
Grave Yard Games by Sheri Leigh - this one was ok, not great but it was free.
The Oak Leaves by Maureen Lang - also free and pretty good.
Pig Island by Mo Hayden - free, that's good because I didn't like it, I kept thinking this has got to get better, not so much.
The Christmas Dog by Melody Carlson - this would make a great Lifetime Christmas movie, short and feel good.The Help by Kathryn Stockett - loved it! Pie!
I'm not sure what I'm going to read next. I have a long "To Be Read" list maybe I should pick something from there rather than check out what's new on the shelves. But it's not to early to start my list for the Spring Reading thing. Thanks to Katrina at Callapidder Days for hosting these challenges! Happy Reading!