Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What a Difference a Year Makes

A year ago I decided I needed to make some changes. I had developed a habit of napping, these daily naps became a family joke. I wasn't napping because I was sick or up all night with the kids. I was napping because I was trying to take care of everyone except myself. A guest on the Oprah show said "Trying is failing with dignity." That is just what I was doing.

I didn't have the energy to keep up with the daily necessities let alone do fun things with my family. Patients were in short supply as my stress level was rising. I wasn't exercising or eating well. Because I wasn't eating well my family, the very people I was trying to take care of, weren't eating well either.

I knew I needed to make some changes, I also knew over the top drastic changes wouldn't be lasting changes and I needed lasting change. On February 27, 2007 I made my first change. I strapped on my walking shoes and after cleaning off my treadmill, I climbed on. A year later I am still on the treadmill 4 or 5 times a week.

Other changes have happened over the year also. By making healthier food choices we are eating better and feeling better. That doesn't mean we don't get the things we love, my crew would mutiny if we cut out ice cream, but we have smaller bowls. During this process I did use a weight loss program and one meal at a time I learned what and how much I should eat and I am still learning and transferring what I've learned to our family meals.

There have been some obvious benefits. I've lost 3 clothes sizes and 23 pounds and kept it off for 19 weeks and counting. Sizes, pounds and workouts are just the measurable changes and benefits. The qualities that can't be measured are the things that keep me going. I have so much more energy, patients, I am better able to deal with whatever comes up and keep it in perspective. I also haven't been as sick this winter, except for the "New Year's" flu we all had. I
don't shy away from getting my picture take, and I don't mind looking at the pictures later. I also purchased my first pair of professionally fitted running shoes. Even though they are running shoes I walk in them, but who knows what another year might bring.

In the book I am currently reading Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? by Peter Walsh there is a passage that really hit home. He is talking about weight but anything can replace the word weight. "To really change your weight you have to change your total life. You have to change the choices you make every day...". It is on page 32 and yes, I do have a post-it note on that page.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I just opened the blog of a contestant from the Biggest of my favorite shows. You go, girl! You look fabulous!! The before and after shots were a great idea! It is nice to have a complete lifestyle change instead of being on a "diet". WOO HOO!!