Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Book Self, again

I finished reading Life's Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard over the weekend, more accurately I started Friday and finished Saturday. I had no idea what to expect when I finished reading the sample, but it sounded like something I'd like and it was available at the library.
Wow! It says on the cover it's "an inspirational novel" and it was right. It starts out as a love story that turns into a fantasy journey and along the way teaches some life lessons. It was entertaining and heart warming and fun to read. If I had known it was going to have a message, I don't know if I would have read it. Lucky for me I didn't read the description very well or the reviews. There aren't many books I really think "I'd like to read this again" but this is one I would.

Yes, I missed the Fall Into Reading kick off, but my list is coming.

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